RD Johnson Law Offices
Asset Protection Planning
Asset Protection
RDJ LAW has 23+ years of active engagement in Nevada Asset Protection Planning. No matter who you are or what you do, everyone has some risk of being personally involved in a lawsuit which may result in a personal legal judgment. Professionals are at increased risk of personal liability (doctors, dentists, chiropractors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, architects, real estate professionals, etc. – if you are a professional, you are at a heightened need for careful Asset Protection Planning). It is never too soon to start your personal asset protection planning – in fact the sooner you do the planning, the more sound your protection will be. The Nevada Asset Protection Trust (aka: Nevada Spendthrift Trust; Nevada Wealth Preservation Trust; Nevada Domestic Asset Protection Trust) is arguably the best tool that is available for Asset Protection that is available in the United States. We have been doing Asset Protection Planning for many years and have successfully enable numerous clients that live in various parts of the country to protect their personal assets, their real estate investments, their business incomes and their business assets from risk of loss.

To enable effective protection of your personal assets, business assets and real estate investments, planning and establishment of the structure prior to a lawsuit or threat of a lawsuit is critical.
Don’t wait to start establishing your sound Asset Protection Plan. Take action now – Contact RDJ LAW now to schedule a free ½ hour consultation to review your specific situation with an experienced Las Vegas Asset Protection Planning Attorney. [CLICK HERE TO CONTACT RDJ LAW NOW]
See the following for more information about Asset Protection Planning:
NEVADA ASSET PROTECTION TRUST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sjiz6bMtTM
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